Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So yes i've jumped on the blogging bandwagon!

That i have! I've been feeling a bit guilty by all of the many posts i've been doing on good 'ol facebook lately. Wondering if anyone was getting tired of seeing my natural birthing, breastfeeding, VBAC posts etc...So i figured i would ease up a bit over there and share the wealth on my brand new blog! Super exciting i know, haha. My goal is to not only keep family and friends updated on my fam, but to also educate others and myself on the more natural things out there. You'll kind of be going along on the ride. Sounds fun right? It's something that's become more of a passion lately so i thought why not share?!

So i'm a SAHM of two awesome little guys. London will be 4 in less then a week! He was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (An Autism Spectrum Disorder) in September 2009. I've been learning tons since the diagnosis and have become quite comfortable with everything. It's just so much easier knowing now... I will most definitely be posting lots on Autism Awareness as well! We also have a second little love, Judea, who is about 19 months. And he just happens to be the most adorable thing ever!  And i'm not being bias is any way ;-)

Well i'm not going to write much more. Just kind of wanted to introduce my too cool for school blog to everyone. If you decide to follow me i promise to entertain you every once in awhile!

P.S. Yes i'm a rambler.

1 comment:

justine said...

I look forward to sharing and learning more about being the parent of an autism/aspergers spectrum kiddo... we are homeschooling our 6 year old bc of her behavioral challenges. It is the hardest, most rewarding work I've ever done! She has the vocab of a college sophomore, can ID 100's of plant species, draws exquisitely detailed artwork...but just learned the sight word "THE" today after a whole year of working on it! I'm glad to have someone in our circle who will understand :)