Friday, April 16, 2010

A recent conversation i've had has given me the idea to post about extended breastfeeding. I myself nursed by boys until around 20 months and 15 months. Both self-weaned. Had I been given the opportunity I would of nursed as long as my boys wanted to and feel that every woman out there should not be put in the situation where they feel they have to discontinue breastfeeding unless they themselves or their child is ready. 

I've always known that overall breastfeeding is heavy on the nutrition for the little one. But I never specifically researched the stats of exactly how much nutrition is available after a certain length of time. Here is what I found:

In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
  • 29% of energy requirements
  • 43% of protein requirements
  • 36% of calcium requirements
  • 75% of vitamin A requirements
  • 76% of folate requirements
  • 94% of vitamin B12 requirements
  • 60% of vitamin C requirements
-- Dewey 2001

"Human milk expressed by mothers who have been lactating for greater then 1 year has significantly increased fat and energy contents, compared with milk expressed by women who have been lactating for shorter periods. During prolonged lactation, the fat energy contribution of breast milk to the infant diet might be significant."

-- Mandel 2005

Now apart from nutrition benefits there are other pros to extended breastfeeding. Toddlers tend to have fewer illnesses and when becoming ill they seem to last in shorter duration. And they also seem to have fewer to no allergies. There's also a list of cancers that extended breastfeeding helps to reduce risk of for the Mama! 

Although I could most likely research and list the benefits and stats until I turn blue I think the biggest thing that Mama's are confronted with is being judged by family and peers. The stares themselves almost seem worse then the criticism sometimes.  Here are a few lines that I had learned to use when a family member or friend asked if I was STILL breastfeeding?

Why are you hungry?
Yes, we still have a few minute's on this side before we switch to the other.
Not right now, but most likely in a couple of hour's.
Yes, usually twice a day.
And when they say, No, I meant are you still nursing him/her at this age, just reply "I know what you meant" and leave it at that! Most people's intentions when asking you such a nonsense question is fully intending to start an argument, or to put in their own opinion without you having to ask for it...

All silliness aside the bottom line is that as a community we need to start setting examples and putting the message out there that breastfeeding is NUTRITIONAL &  POSITIVE and most importantly what's best for our kids!